
Jitra 教会/ Jitra Church 在哪里?日得拉有教会吗?日得拉基督徒去哪里的教会呢?jitra church #jitra教会

 hi, 大家好!😃 欢迎你来到我的部落格。 是的,来到这边不是偶然,是神的安排,😇 欢迎你来到我们的教会哦。 日得拉的教会是个很温暖的教会,里面有很多aunty和uncle。 不要因为来到新的地方而停止聚会哦。  是不是刚来又不懂去哪里的教会。 你可以来我们的教会,每个 星期日 ,晚上 8点 哦。 我们的教会是在jitra yawata 后面哦,卖地毯的旁边楼上。 你们不可停止聚会,好像那些停止惯了的人,倒要彼此劝勉, 即知道那日子临近,就更当如此(希伯来书 10:25) (Ps: 如果你担心交通的话,请别担心,你可以联络我们,下面的图片那边有号码, 你可以联络我们,我们会安排交通哦。) 愿上帝祝福你。😃 如果你想来我们的教会,可是你是poly 还是IPG学生的, 可是又没有交通,你可以联络上面的号码, 他们会安排哦。😃 别害怕,别害羞,在主里我们是一家人哦。😃 欢迎你来哦。

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  NAME: KHOR SIM YEE NUMBER MATRIC: D20172080241 BIODIVERSITY For social innovation proposal in biodiversity is doing some challenge in social media.  I think we can doing some challenge which need few minutes to done the task, it will have more fun and interact between friend and social. Besides that, it also can gain awareness to protect endangered species and know more about endangered animals.             The challenge is write a post at Instagram or Facebook which is mention one of the top 10 endangered animal. The post need post a picture of the endangered animals which mention and list one or two cause the animals become endangered animal. Besides that, write one of the way to protect them. After that, they need tag 2 of their friend to continue the challenge and #protectendangeredanimals. The example of the challenged shown as below Good morning, the problem of endangered animals become more serious, to raise t...


  NAME: KHOR SIM YEE NUMBER MATRIC: D20172080241 ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION For social innovation solution in environment pollution, I think farmer can convert the leaf in paddy land to animal feed. According MS Swaminathan, “Stubble is not burned in South India because there is economic value as animal feed,” said prominent agricultural scientist MS Swaminathan in a recent tweet.  I've been pointing out the many commercial uses of rice straw for years. Rather than making farmers perpetrators of environmental disaster, we could take a do-ecology approach with them to convert rice stubble into income. Besides that, we also can upcycle stubble to make products including paper, cardboard and animal feed. Instead of burning the stubble, we also can use the Happy Seeder, a tractor-mounted machine, cuts and lifts rice straw, sows wheat into the bare soil, then deposits the straw over the sown area as mulch. Last but not least, we can convert the leftover rice straw into pulp and furthe...


  NAME: KHOR SIM YEE NUMBER MATRIC: D20172080241 HUMAN POPULATION The photophonic reflection on human population issues that I found is human population decreasing. This is I found at myself, my dad’s mother who is my grandparent had born 4 girls and 2 boy which total 6 children. But when reach my dad, my dad have only child which is me. While my uncle, he has 3 children only. The human population decrease due to health problem and economic issue. People will have mind set which born one child need spend many money and they cannot afford it. Example only milk for tin for new born, new born need drink milk 2 hours one time. Estimate 1kg milk will take RM 30-RM 180. While baby will drink about 4 box a month. That will take almost RM 400 only for milk. While for other like pampers and clothes for baby also will take a lot of money because baby grown fast. So due to economic problem, people decide born only 1 or 2 for nowadays. Besides that, Malaysia’s population is growing a...


  NAME: KHOR SIM YEE NUMBER MATRIC: D20172080241 MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE For social innovation proposal in medical and health care is doing YouTube video which talk more detail about vaccination. It will talk about more about problem which people concern such as materials which use in vaccination.             Besides that, the video also will talk about strategies that use in vaccination and what is the normal sides effect will have after vaccination. The video also will talk about testimony like older or high risk categories take vaccination.             The video also will talk about how to register using mysejathera and website. This is bring message to who try to first time register or have no idea how to register. This also can help people to solve problem compare to they need call hotline and wait for more 30 minutes.         ...


NAME: KHOR SIM YEE NUMBER MATRIC: D20172080241 ENERGY For social innovation solution in energy is to find YB Dato Seri Hj Mukhriz Tun Mahathir to give feedback about government can plan using LED street light or solar street light. Because LED will save electricity and can use for longer time. It also environment friendly. Besides that, government also can use solar street light. The use of LED lights in conjunction with light and motion sensors allows for the production of self-adjustable streetlights. Ambient light and recognized people or vehicles cause the lights to brighten and fade. This method allows for energy consumption depending on real-time demand. Comlight, a Norwegian firm, creates motion-sensing street lights that identify objects moving at speeds ranging from 2 km/h to 200 km/h. The light is turned on, and the detection is relayed to a group of street lights that provide full illumination while following the moving object. After that, when no one is around, the...